Friday, December 3. 2010Peter Nash Day Around the World
As most of you know, December 2nd is Peter Nash Day. I thought I'd share some of the photos that are pouring in from around the world demonstrating how Peter Nash Day is celebrated - feel free to add a link to your own Peter Nash Day celebration photojournal in the comments! More will be added as they come in, so keep watching this space.
I don't know who these three fine fellows are, but they're clearly enjoying Peter Nash Day:
In some parts of the world, school let out early so people could go home to "get their Nash on": The magic 8-ball wishes all of us a "Happy Peter Nash Day": Even Harry Potter knows it's Peter Nash Day: "Wait," cry the office workers, "it's Peter Nash Day? We're going home!": Women everywhere go CRAZY for Peter Nash Day: This blog recommends you keep your "Peter Nash Day" celebrations in check - don't be like this young man, whose PND party drew the attention of the local police force: Trackbacks
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