Radar on :
The second and third paragraphs were just brilliant story telling. : SIGH :
Tuesday, December 9. 2008Recap part III
Another day has passed and still we sit watching. Waiting for the snow to melt and clear the pass. The dwarves are preparing for the upcoming festival. I sit now in the fire's glow reflected off the dragon egg that sits firmly wedged in the fireplace. As I check my armor for flaws and burrs I think back.
With the help of the urchins we come upon the next attack as the assailants are fleeing. Two men with overly large dogs, who die quickly. But not before they divulge the location of a warehouse from which they operate. We approach silently, moving amongst the shadows. That is until I attempt to cross the courtyard. I'd like to think that the men who open the warehouse doors are more shocked than we are. I do know that we react first. Their startled cries alert their fellows inside, shortly before being snuffed out forever. My fellows are truly great men, not an eye is blinked at the mass of humanity that begins to pour through the doors and windows. Crude clubs and swords raised to tear us down. I would feel sorry for them if they were not all murders and thieves. Blood flows as we take them down one by one or in wide cleaving sweeps. The tension builds to the breaking point as we march steadily forward.
They break, scattering in all directions but towards us. I feel a small amount of pity as we continue to tear through the ranks fleeing the warehouse. As the dust of battle settles the local soldiers arrive. The warehouse is filled with fake charms and trinkets in various stages of construction. They hoped to sell them in order to ward off the "Wolfmen." The captain of the watch assures us that it will be a long time before someone tries this again. The urchins arrive the next day for their free pie. A good thing that they do as there is a resurgence of gratitude, all in a flaky crust. It's not quiet for long, it never is. But I like it that way. The Cardinal calls us in and asks us to find a group of knights. It seems they disappeared on a routine examination of an abandoned fort. After an uneventful ride we come upon an odd scene. The fort is ruined, (Five-hundred years of neglect after being sacked will do that.) but overlayed is the ghostly image of the fort at it's prime. Phantom soldiers patrol it's borders and as we watch a ghostly barbarian horde rushes the keep overwhelming it's defenses. There is no sound of the battle. We watch silently until the images faded, then we enter the keep following the tracks of the missing squad. Room by room we search with no sign of life, the stench of death and evil everywhere. Then with a flicker and a rushing wind we find ourselves in a far different keep. One five-hundred years in the past filled with soldiers. Soldiers very surprised to see us appear out of nowhere. Thinking fast I demand to see their commander stating that we were sent to back them up against an imminent attack from barbarians. The hour is late and I must wake up in time to check my gear before our morning meeting. As I stand to go to my room my thoughts return. Focusing on the sounds of the elderly elf shuffling about the house. Trackbacks
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Radar on :
The second and third paragraphs were just brilliant story telling. : SIGH :
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